I had a hair in my mouth and was trying to get it out, but when I pulled it a gross long blob that never ended of hair came from inside me. The pain was bad, and it looked like the hair you pull out from a shower drain. It made me gag. I tried cutting it but it didn't work. I couldn't swallow it, I could only keep pulling and crying.
Dreams about pulling something out of your mouth can symbolize feelings of frustration or communication issues in your waking life. The hair in your dream may represent something that is bothering you or causing you discomfort. The fact that it is long and never-ending could suggest that the issue feels overwhelming or persistent.
The pain and gagging you experience in the dream could indicate that this issue is causing you emotional distress or making you feel physically sick. The inability to swallow or remove the hair could suggest that you are struggling to find a resolution to whatever is bothering you.
Crying in the dream may signify pent-up emotions or a need to release what is troubling you. Overall, this dream might be a reflection of inner turmoil or a desire to address and overcome a challenging situation in your life that seems to have no easy solution. It could be beneficial to explore what may be causing you distress and consider ways to address it in your waking life.